User validation failed = Benutzervalidierung fehlgeschlagen

Get this message when I try to use the INSTAR CAMERA TOOL.
I have an IN9010 and IN7011 installe. Both suddenly stopped working and I cannot access them from the INSTAR Camera Tool. Have disabled antivirus software and the INSTAR Camersa tool shows the two cameras when I search. However I canot open them in either firefox or Duckduckgo,
Any ideas why I cannot access them over the local network ?
I also tried acessing the SD from the INSTAR Camera Tool and for the IN9010 I get the following message: „User vlaidation failed, you can proceed. The user data is saved abd cant be changed until a new search“
For the IN7011 I get the same meassage but it does ask me for a password that seems work ok.
The IN9010 did not ask me for a password but just went to the message afetr a short time elapsed.

This an image of the local network settings that have previosuly worked for the IN9010

I have translated the above using Google below

Diese Meldung bekomme ich, wenn ich versuche, das INSTAR CAMERA TOOL zu verwenden.
Ich habe eine IN9010 und eine IN7011 installiert. Beide funktionieren plötzlich nicht mehr und ich kann nicht über das INSTAR Camera Tool darauf zugreifen. Ich habe die Antivirensoftware deaktiviert und das INSTAR Camera Tool zeigt die beiden Kameras bei der Suche an. Ich kann sie jedoch weder in Firefox noch in DuckDuckgo öffnen.
Haben Sie eine Idee, warum ich nicht über das lokale Netzwerk darauf zugreifen kann?

Ich habe auch versucht, über das INSTAR Camera Tool auf die SD-Karte zuzugreifen und für die IN9010 bekomme ich die folgende Meldung: „Benutzervalidierung fehlgeschlagen, Sie können fortfahren. Die Benutzerdaten sind gespeichert und können erst bei einer neuen Suche geändert werden.“

Für die IN7011 bekomme ich die gleiche Meldung, aber ich werde nach einem Passwort gefragt, das anscheinend funktioniert.
Die IN9010 hat mich nicht nach einem Passwort gefragt, sondern nach kurzer Zeit einfach die Meldung angezeigt.

Dies ist ein Bild der lokalen Netzwerkeinstellungen, die zuvor für den IN9010 funktioniert haben.

(see above - cannot upload more then one image to forum)
(siehe oben – es kann nicht mehr als ein Bild ins Forum hochgeladen werden)


for the 7011 did you try to access the camera using
Only http, not https.
Best regards

Many thanks.
Got the 7011 going after acessing outside the INSTAR camera tool. GOt into interface and it applied an update and all seems to work ok.
I now have an issue wiht the 9010. I mamaged to access it outside the UNSTAR camera tool and it workd ok except there is white circle wiht a clear arrow in the middle of the camera image that I cannot get rid of. Its not on the SD images but on the screen when I virew the camera using the INSTAR web UI. Ithen tried to update the software to the latest version and the screen is no stuck (see image)

As you cna see it says reloading WebUi but I keep getting „connection TImeut“ message at the top right hand side of screen and seems to be stuck in the endless loop. any ideas what is happening??
best regards

This could be either low network performance (e.g. power lan stucks) or a bootloop. Try to power cycle the camera. This might help.

Once again many thanks.
It turned out to be an IP adress conflict. My cameras are connected via TP Link Powerline switches to the PC and this had allocated the same IP adddess to the network as the 9010 camera. So I reset the 9010 IP address, then rebooted the camera, unplugged the Powerline adpter. Then powered up the Powerline, then rebooted the PC. The IP address of the network adapter updated and access is now working to both cameras. !!
My only issue now is the circle with arrow in the WebUI

and there is no live video when I open the WebUI. The picture is static (no trees moving) and the PTZ no longer works and I cannot gat any sound from the camera, but focus and zoom seem work (although very slowly).
I have the same camera linked to my mobile over P2P and on that the live video is fine and the PTZ and sound work fine. The recordings on the 9010 SD card are fine with both movment and sound. Thinking of trying the WebUI update again possibly starting from a factory reset before I do the update. Is there an issue with Mozilla Firefox and the INSTAR WebUI ?

Best regards


Yes, it’s worth a try, because there is a segmented flash inside the camera with a fallback function. Maybe one segment wasn’t completely flashed with the new software. Just use the camera tool for that.


I don’t think so. I normally use Mozilla for accessing the webui. But of course you have to turn off ad blockers.

I have now resolved the issue with the IN9010.
As I outlined before I thought the problem might be to do with the firmware updates. So I thought I would try a full factory reset and then progreesivly install all the updates in seqence to see if any of them reproduced the problems I was experiencing .
I went to **( link on the english version of the INSTAR web site there is the latest firmware update
Firmware WebUI 3.3 (107)

I then clicked the Read me link (Read me…[PLEASE] and this took me to the page:
That lists all the update zip files. I downloaded the zip files and installed in sequence.

(The above one would not load on my camera. The rest loaded ok)

As you can see this file seems to be for a IN9020 camera ??
SO I think it was this caused the inital problems I was having with the IN9010 as had used this to update IN9010 (I did not spot the 9020 numbers in the download)

for the IN9010 I tried the latest update : IN-9010_FW_4.2.2.20_WebUI_3.3.(103) that is on the front page of the download area for the IN9010 but this seems to cause the video to stall and the „white circle“ play button to remain on the video screen permenantly. At least that was happening on my IN9010 camera.

So I did a factory reset and then installed
Now everyting is fine.

Many thanks for your help


Someone (or somebody) in the US would say „Hey man, you did a great job!“ :wink:
Just one question: the failure was caused by a wrong firmware in a wrong directory. Why don’t you use the automatic update?