Sizing of video storage?

With a single IN-8015 Full HD camera at medium resolution,

  1. how do you estimate the size of the video recording for each person passing in front of the camera?
  2. To keep a history of 30 days, what storage should be provided for a camera placed to observe the front door of a residential building with an access code for the 60 apartments?
  3. Is there a video tutorial in English to configure your Cloud?
    Thank you,


regarding (cloud) information in english just try
The estimation of the size of videos coming from a stream at medium resolution is quite difficult. This belongs to different settings like compression rate, keyframe interval, frame rate… The best is to take a video with this camera at different settings and compare the results.
Best regards

Thanks for your post
Unfortunately, the INSTAR site only sells small cloud spaces limited to 50 Gb.
Needing to keep video alarms for 1 month for the entry of a residence of 60 apartments, can you list the parameters on which we can act to minimize the size of the videos?
Currently, each person who enters triggers a video of about 3 Mb.
Thank you in advance

Hello @PaulBoghos,

I think it would be best if you send an email with all the details to - you can ask for Aaron Riber.